Hello everyone! We are ready to upgrade Mainnet (Decentr Software Upgrade — 3)
The upgrade is scheduled to occur on Oct 31th at approximately 11:00 UTC. All validators are required to read this article and do appropriate actions! Thank you!
What’s new:
- Authz module added https://tutorials.cosmos.network/tutorials/7-understand-sdk-modules/1-authz.html. The authz (authorization) module enables one user (the granter) to authorize another (the grantee) to execute messages on their behalf.
- IBC Security Advisory Dragonberry patch applied: https://forum.cosmos.network/t/ibc-security-advisory-dragonberry/7702
- The version of cosmos-sdk becomes v0.45.9
- The version of tendermint becomes is v0.34.21
To validators:
🗳VOTE NOW on Proposal for the submitted proposal https://ping.pub/decentr/gov/7
Vote command:
decentrd tx gov vote 7 yes --node "http://hermes.mainnet.decentr.xyz:26657" --chain-id mainnet-3 --broadcast-mode block --from <you account name>
The migration guide can be reviewed at https://github.com/Decentr-net/decentr/blob/master/app/upgrade/v160/upgrade.md
Website: https://decentr.net
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DecentrNet
Telegram Group: https://t.me/DecentrNet
Telegram Ann: https://t.me/DecentrAnnouncements
Github: https://github.com/Decentr-net
Windows Browser: https://decentr.net/#download
OSX Browser: https://decentr.net/#download
Linux Browser: https://decentr.net/#download
Android Browser: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.decentr.browser
iOS Browser: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/decentr-browser/id1609950309
Support (Validator, Staking, Browser Support): https://discord.gg/9cSxwKyEjR