Hello dear validators and stakers of Decentr! We have tallied up the results of the community votes in telegram and here is the preliminary plan.
- Minimum withdrawal commission for all Validators will be set at 3%
- Maximum voting power of a Validator even if with maximum stake will be capped at 5%
We will be implementing both of those together in a single vote proposal. Unfortunately these two options work on v0.46 of Cosmos SDK (https://docs.cosmos.network/v0.46/modules/staking/08_params.html ) and our current version is v0.45.9 and the newest is 0.47 (Beta).
So in order to proceed we will need to do network SDK upgrade which is quite complex since we have a lot of customization in the network related to PDV and overall data structure. Since we do have tons of stuff in development we see this upgrade as happening around the middle of April if not later. Thus we will be unrolling the proposal at the end of March with the upgrade being timed on the blocks when we feel we will complete it and test it properly.
Thank you!
Official Links for Decentr:
Website: https://decentr.net
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DecentrNet
Telegram Group: https://t.me/DecentrNet
Telegram Ann: https://t.me/DecentrAnnouncements
Github: https://github.com/Decentr-net
Windows Browser: https://decentr.net/#download
OSX Browser: https://decentr.net/#download
Linux Browser: https://decentr.net/#download
Android Browser: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.decentr.browser
iOS Browser: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/decentr-browser/id1609950309
Support (Validator, Staking, Browser Support): https://discord.gg/9cSxwKyEjR