We are incredibly proud to announce that our full iOS release has been approved by the Apple Store, and will be rolling out to all countries.
You can get the iOS version now by going to https://apps.apple.com/us/app/decentr-browser/id1609950309 using your iOS device.
The launch of our iOS browser ensures that you can engage with the Decentr project, and earn on-the-go.
As it should be, you can expect all the typical functionality that a user needs from a browser, from public and incognito mode, to connecting your Decentr account and then receiving PDV.
Upon the first launch of the browser, you will be prompted to connect your Decentr account by entering a seed phrase, or by using a QR code. After authorization, you’ll be granted immediate access to the Decentr ecosystem.
Official Links for Decentr:
Website: https://decentr.net
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DecentrNet
Telegram Group: https://t.me/DecentrNet
Telegram ANN: https://t.me/DecentrAnnouncements
Github: https://github.com/Decentr-net
Windows Browser: https://decentr.net/#download
OSX Browser: https://decentr.net/#download
Linux Browser: https://decentr.net/#download
Android Browser: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.decentr.browser
iOS Browser: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/decentr-browser/id1609950309
Support (Validator, Staking, Browser Support): https://discord.gg/9cSxwKyEjR