This article is a response to various questions we are getting in our Telegram and other social media channels as regards how much PDV might be “worth” to an individual, family, company, etc.
Giving Back your Stolen Data
The bottom line is that whatever the big tech incumbents are selling your data for, Decentr hands this stolen data back to you as equivalent economic value that you control.
This value is returned in the form of what we call your Personal Data Value (PDV) — PDV being expressed as a personalised “exchange rate” that can be used by you across a range of our DeFi products, including dLoans and dPay to your economic advantage.
Making Your Data Work for You
However — and this is what is critical to understand — giving back data value that is currently being stolen from you by large tech giants is only Decentr’s starting position as regards our users turning their data into increased economic value they control.
Decentr offers a whole suite of features that allows you, the user (and rightful data owner) to inspect your data, however and whenever you want, figure out what is working for you in terms of PDV, and build on this success in a host of fun and engaging ways to further increase your PDV.
So our answer to anyone who asks what their PDV may be worth is whatever you are prepared to make it worth: you are in 100%, user-centric control of how you generate, exchange and reuse data to your economic advantage.
How it Works
By engaging with the decosystem via our user layer, in conjunction with your Decentr dashboard analytics (see Figure 1 below), you can continue to monitor and highlight what is working for you as regards PDV. As a result of using these powerful data optimisation features, you can continue to improve your engagement so that your data captures even more value, both social and economic, that is reflected in your increased PDV.
For example, you can inspect your highest performing data points across a range of activities over a chosen period, see what works and why, and continue improving your engagement and online activity to improve your PDV:
You can also see suggestions as to specific activities that will improve your PDV, both in terms of browsing and also engagement with specific Decentr features:
This is all in the context of being able to examine the posts and dPosts you posted and responded to that achieved “Highest PDV” for a specific period, and why these were considered by Decentr’s cooperative game-theory protocols to hold this intrinsic value:
In summary, all of the above shows exactly how you, the user, can increase your data value and benefit from the rise in your enhanced PDV to make online purchases cheaper and increase your APY on various DeFi solutions!
Decentr users are beholden to no one for their financial futures!
We look forward to answering all your questions. Please find our official links below.
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