Introducing “Chronos” the Decentr Blockchain Explorer

3 min readMar 29, 2021

We are proud to unveil our new Decentr Explorer, the Chronos module, which can be viewed here.

Chronos: Giving users an overview of their present and historic transactions on the Decentr blockchain.

Chronos allows every user to keep track of all the data generated by their present and historic transactions on the Decentr blockchain.

As with our other modules, Chronos is open source and you can find the source code here.

The Explorer combines all the important information related to our blockchain so that every user can inspect the data that is of interest to them — creating another layer of transparency and granularity as regards the data that is recorded, secured and valued on Decentr. DEC price dynamics, lists of latest transactions, blocks and detailed information on them, lists of validators — all this and more is available within the Explorer.

In the same way the Greek god of time, Chronos, could move freely between past and present events, so too does our Chronos module give users a complete real-time overview of their present and historic transactions on the Decentr blockchain.


· Dashboard — a new page within the Explorer. It combines brief information on the latest transactions, blocks, blockchain height, and price dynamics. As with any other page associated with the explorer, the user can search for exact transactions using Tx Hash. Also, the data on the average \ total PDV across all the Decentr users is available.

· Transactions — a new page within the Explorer. A complete list of recent transactions will be presented here with the ability to view detailed data for each of them. The details page will provide redundant information about the transaction time with a full description of its type.

· Blocks — a new page within the Explorer. Similar to the Transactions page, users are able to view the list and details of the last blocks. By clicking on any block from the list, an exact description will be provided of the height to which the block belongs, its creation time, and those transactions that were carried out within this block, including their brief description.

· Validators — a new page within the Explorer. This page is presented to display a list of current validators with the ability to view additional information. As is the case with the list of transactions and blocks, a user can click on any validator and go to a page with a detailed description of it. In the description, uses can read the status of the validator, its commission, and the link to the website, if any.

This is the latest iteration of our blockchain explorer release and another step towards our mainnet, validators and delegated staking release. Stay tuned for further development, partnerships and overall Decentr ecosystem updates.

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