Introducing the New $DEC Token Release Schedule: Increased Locks and Vestings Across the Board!

4 min readDec 10, 2020


The current Decentr circulating supply is 74M $DEC tokens. This is the cumulative total of all tokens sold in the Seed, Private and Public rounds. The Seed round was finalised in mid 2019, while the Private and Public rounds took place in July 2020. 100% of Private and Public round tokens were released as part of the TGE, along with 50% of the Seed round tokens. The final 50% of Seed round tokens were released in October 2020.

No further tokens from any other tranches, Team, Partners & Advisors, Foundation or Ecosystem Reserve, have been released and ALL tokens sold as part of the TGE have already been released.

The first of these subsequent token releases, via the Partners & Advisors and Ecosystem tranches, were due to be released in January 2021, as per our previous token unlock schedule, which can be viewed below.

To show both the Decentr team and our partners commitment and long term support of the Decentr vision and Decentr Browser, due for release in Q2 2021, we will be increasing all unreleased token tranche lockups across the board. This better aligns our current token holders with the Decentr browser release and increased utility of the $DEC token.

Below you can see our updated distribution and circulating supply for January 2021 through to December 2021.

Team (10%)

Previously our Team tokens were locked for 1 year and vested over a period of 10 months. The first of these tokens were set to be released in July 2021 and the last of these tokens by April 2022.

Team tokens are now locked for a further 6 months with the vesting period for these tokens doubled from 10 months to 20 months. This means the first tokens from the Team token tranche unlock in January 2022, approximately 1.5 years after the initial raise, with the last of the Team token tranche unlocking in October 2023.

Partners & Advisors (10%)

Previously our Partners & Advisors tokens were locked for 6 months and vested over a period of 10 months. The first of these tokens were set to be released in January 2021 and the last of these tokens by October 2021.

Partner & Advisor tokens are now locked for an additional 6 months with the vesting period for these tokens doubled from 10 months to 20 months. This means the first tokens from the Partners & Advisors tranche unlock in July 2021 and the last of the Partners & Advisors tranche unlocking in January 2023.

Foundation (32.6%)

Previously our Foundation tokens were locked for 6 months and vested over a period of 3 years, with 1% of the Foundation supply being released each month.

Foundation tokens are now locked for an additional 6 months, with the vesting period for these tokens extended from 3 years to 18 years! This means the first tokens from the Foundation token tranche unlock in July 2021 and the last of the Foundation token tranche unlocking in July 2038!

Ecosystem Reserve (40%)

The Ecosystem Reserve token tranche forms a significant part of the overall $DEC token supply. It is important to note that these tokens are NEVER intended to EVER become part of the circulating supply and simple serve as a way to underwrite and insure the Deconomy,

Should these tokens ever to be used in any way, it would only be after the full product release in order to facilitate periods of heavy purchasing/spending, larger loan amounts and act as an in place insurance fund in the event of any exploitation of the Decentr Deconomy.

In the advent of such an occurrence, only a small portion of these tokens would be used and would be done so with advanced notice and the explicit approval of the Decentr community. The Ecosystem Reserve token tranche is fully transparent and can be monitored on the following Ethereum address to ensure no movement of these tokens occur:

This extended token lockup schedule is just one of the many exciting developments we have planned for the month of $DECember! Stay tuned for further updates as we march towards our MVP release!

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